Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 120

Thats me on camp........with a smile though : )

I am grateful that I work in a job that gives me the opportunity to design and run camps for kids.

Though excitement increases when I am given the an okay to mmm increase the challenges of the camps I run. Especially in today’s environment of …. “YOU CANT DO”. I feel privileged that I can offer an opportunity for kids to learn through a new experience. While 2013 camps will be similiar to previous I look forward to 2014 camps they will offer new experiences. Ohhh so excited (fingers crossed). so excited ...

Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 119

What can I say......not best pic and the Banana bread does looks like it's on steroids again? (No idea what I do wrong)

Do I eat this stuff ..........No

Do I like cooking it ..........Yes?
It always surprises me the total enjoyment on the kids’ faces when I take home baked muffins, cakes, etc. to groups or peer support programs. For me it’s a must and natural thing, tonight for some reason it made me think about my mum......the fetes, girls guide days, friends over, parties, and school tuck shop. My mum seemed always to be there even when she had to work.

But what I am grateful for is that she always included us kids in that cooking. Those days when she was making something we are sitting at the bench, stirring this, pouring in this, colouring this. She has done the same thing with my nieces and nephew. Actually anyone that has sat at her bench has been lucky.

Kid's ask how'd ya make it..........’my mum taught me’ I say (If I look in their faces I know I am so lucky to have my Mum as my Mum

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Grateful that certain connections remain through your life.

Had a wonderful lunch and afternoon, with a very beautiful friend of mine, her husband and her 4 amazing kids. Nothing in the world can lift your spirits more than kids running out calling your name, bounding in excitement to see you. (think that is thanks to their mum though : ) and the love of a friend .

Time flies so fast when I am with her you may think an hour has gone by and you find its 3, 2 and it's 5. Now that’s great company. Wonderful mother, beautiful wife and talented gorgeous women

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 117

I am grateful today to Battery World (fri late arvo), and Pro Computers at Maroochydore. Who helped me to solve my computer dilemma. I must admit when the computer shut down I was given 1 option of what it was from several outlets. Very lucky that by Friday arvo when I finished work none of those outlets found they could help me (would order parts though) till Monday.

Between the guy (so sorry forgot name keep thinking its Shane too) at Battery world who actually took time out to explain other possibilities, and then Shane from Pro Computers where originally got computer. It was discovered that the problem the computer was diagnosed with (several times ) was actually not. Instead of till 9th May or 22nd May when it could be solved/fixed, it has been working since 4.45pm this afternoon. Great honest guys…...................Natural, now will always go back there smart customer service (they seemed to enjoy their job too : )

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 116

So loving my La Balsa and mooloolaba walks.I am grateful that I have been welcomed into a wonderful group of women to walk with.  It's been a good year/2  since I have walked with them. I so enjoy their company and conversations while we walk and .......of course over the important coffee. So happy to be back great way to start the day.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 115

Beautiful day and one of reflection and gratitude to those in the armed forces from the past and the current. It was great to see so many out and about so early

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 114

 Grateful for the beautiful trees that line our river and provide us with beautiful shade along with housing for all types of wildlife. When taking the time to look up at the branches and feel the trunks such wonderful texture and designs you do see.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 113

Grateful for the wonderful hands and skills of Steve Akkermans.Though wished I did not leave so long between visits. now know why sleep was disrupted and headaches  last weeks. Not to forget the wonderful Peta his wife who always fits me in specially when I need it most.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Difficult one today.....but there can be benefits when people decide to be cranky with you.

So I am grateful today for being able to get on top of 95% of my paper work thanks to no phone call interuptions.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 111

Rays of Sunshine (even see them in pic)

What a beautiful day on the Sunshine (for once) coast. Good paddle, coffee, lunch with friends. While I believe I am always grateful for having the opportunity to live and work here. I sometimes think we forget how truly lucky we are.
A friend said today " why did we not do this sooner" move here, best of all worlds...beach...shops (? that) ...hinterland. My reply 'MMmmm did you think I had been fibbing all these years lol'    : )

Today though I was not taking it for granted, I was able to see again through the eyes and enthusiasm of others why I so love living on the sunshine coast.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 110

Grateful today as I found some easy instructions on rigging an OC6 (included Pics) . Gave me lots of info on what we need, how to and good care of our craft. Feelin lots more comfortable now

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 109

Imagine this may have been like Friday's Hut

Wish I could be transported there now...grateful for the artist who created such a (for me) tranquil and visual experience. For I can always picture this in my mind  and take myself here. It particularly came to my mind today.......

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Some days you just have to ...........

Go for a swim in the beautiful ocean even if you have to wear your clothes in. Dam if don't just feel more alive, refreshed and happier for doing so. So grateful I live, work that close that I can do this

(note to self, always carry spare towel/clothes)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 107

Throughout today I could only reflect back on my upbringing and how grateful that I was born to my parents.

While all families go through their trials, I am very mindful us kids where always a priority in my parents eyes ....money or no money we were provided for. They did all to ensure we developed confidence, independence (and not because they wanted to get rid of us), encouraged to join community groups or sports, always there for working bees - school, guides/scouts, its where I get my work ethic and values from. While at times I might have got jealous of friends as it seemed everyone loved and wanted to be around Mr and Mrs T.
I realise now how they were the significant other or role model in some of our friend’s lives. I always say in groups and to those struggling through their childhood 1 significant person can enter your life and affect the direction you are heading.

My parents are these types of people both in their own way. If I can only be a poor reflection of them in my life and work, I know I have achieved a lot……….

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 106

Thinks it’s one of those weeks. Especially today, just need that quiet space ‘SILENCE’ where I could get a good quality 4 hours’ work down with no interruptions.

Initially difficult to get across what 'no interruptions means' but with a thoughtful colleague dropping in some coffee, private space and computer huge dent made in work............now how do I get 2 more x 4hrs to finish. Some days I just so like the quiet

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 105

So tired getting home today and looks like the week is just going to get busier.

I was grateful to have a meal ready to heat it when I got home tonight. This is going to make my week alot easier. Definitly a good idea preparing this weeks meals on sunday.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 104

Definitely agree with this bird I saw this morning, grateful for the opportunity the beautiful sun gave today for us to fluff our feathers and dry out. Definitely made the most of this opportunity and feeling really ready for the week ahead

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 103

Yes ...........consistent rain helped

Grateful for my pillows and bed for yesterday (saturday), not 100% and appreciated the coolness of the rain and the big soft pillows and doona I could cuddle into.

Friday, April 12, 2013


Grateful for the 'little people' (puppets) in there vary sizes, looks and shapes they create an wonderful avenue for our young people to speak through. Specially  when they seem to be unable to express themselves, these 'little people' seem to give them a voice and show a different side of the young person which is amazing to see.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 101

The people you meet ......   :)
Leaving the Aldi store today after doing the group shop, I was going through my head about what I could be grateful for today. Well I didn’t lose my temper with the reckless, idiot drivers on the road (big breaths) so many and I was polite to the shoppers who hit my ankles (gave up after the sixth).
So was walking out with the trolley, contemplating this when I ran into my old boss. NOw when I say old I don't mean he's old but been a long time...actually had work with him several times over the years in the acute locked ward and the best time when he invited me to work with adolescents for my first time.

It is said that in your careers and life there are certain people you will meet that impact on you personally, professionally....danny is one of these people. HOW do I know this ....well it’s been 14 or more years since we worked together and in a good way he comes up in alot of the stories that I use when working with kids and staff.
Grateful running into him to day needed a lift and talking to him gave me that. Went away smiling thinking about all the amazing people I have learnt from over the years and how truly lucky I have been to have such influences.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 100

Naughty food day......

Rainy, windy, sort of cool weather.....the smell of chips (at work), driving (smell of chips), work car (smell of chips. Not mine). So gave in to my craven.............mmm grateful for the comfort that sweet potatoes and potato mash for dinner can give. No milk but a NICE dollop of butter. (Still could not get it as smooths as mum though).

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 99

Mmm mmm.......I like them

Quinoa bars or Gluten Free Craisy-Nut Bars as they are called seemed to go down well today. Much to my distress as I thought they would be my snack for the next few days. Second batch tonight....mm.

I do like the opportunities to cook for others and create, I find cooking amazingly relaxing. Baking, pickling is probably one of my preferred ways to release stress. (and walking along the beach).
I am grateful to my mum who always made cooking an amzing enjoyable experience. Something she has also shared with my nieces and nephew. I remember as a child sitting at the bench either eating all the raw veges she was preparing for dinner or helping mix a cake. Might of been a fussy eater but she still got us to eat everything : )

Reminds me of; laughter, fun, wonderful tastes and smells. Tea cakes; jam drops, muffins, cheesecakes, (ok roasts and spaghetti), the marshmallow cones, toffees and toffee apples all in amazing colours for school fetes. Oh and the scones in the camp oven she made in the sand on Frasier Island...................................................................................My mum is so great xxo

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 98

Independent, free thinking female .........and yep sometimes it is really hard to ask for help. I am grateful for the people I have around me especially at work today. When I get over my own insecurities and thoughts of putting people out I see they are only too willing to help out if they can.

Appreciate all the lifts to and fro the mechanics. And yes I will get a new car one day but.............I really like this one : )

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 97

Gotta love the Fishermans Rd Markets.......$6 the lot.....2.5kg lemons, 2kg limes, 3 cos lettuces, 7 avos, 2 zuchinis.

Grateful to our local farmers who come to these markets every Sunday rain or shine.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 96

Yes a shoe rack...........

Hate shoe shopping, hate wearing shoes, and if it wasn’t for a couple of co-workers and my mum would probably still be gluing the old ones back together. Though I must admit through guidance of my Mum, Tracey and Karen have few but wearable... look good shoes (I do love my boots and paddling sandals though).

So considering that I hate keeping them in my closest (upstairs), trip over them when in garage (entry to house), have on occasion arrived at work and oops..............no shoes lol
Today I am grateful for Deborah who has religiously dropped the homemaker mag at my place for 2 years even though I never bought anything (persistence pays off). Bought a shoe rack, hangs on garage door....cant trip over it...reminds me to put shoes on for work and frees up my cupboard. Good investment.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 95

Cala Luna...part of the crew
"Cala Luna"

What would be the point of going to an Italian Restaurant.............Unless you had the chance to do this with an amazing group of individuals who feel like your second family. I am grateful for the MSS (Maroochy sea serpents, and Ang’s continuous ….’get your arse down there’) for being part of them has allowed me to meet and spend time with some wonderful people. Love training, eating, and chatting with you girls and guys : )

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 94

Such a hard time doing boxing today it was not the rain that put me off. Easy to guess the view grateful for living in an enviroment that makes exercise so pleasurable....though feel the pain the next day : )

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 93

So many reasons to be grateful today and it has..........taken me a while to work out exactly what I am grateful for.....so lots of reflection, as I replay the day over in my mind. Mmm, I realised the joy, laughter and companionship I am feeling has to do with what I may be grateful for but also need to keep incheck...........MY attitude.

You hear many a quote 'my attitude is based on how you treat me’.  Well it can be .......but I think we owe it to ourselves not to get bogged down in controversies (brought on by others).
This week at work has been amazing and I am sure my interactions and the positive interactions with colleagues ........is based a little bit on the attitude I bring

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 92

Very excited.....

Grateful to all my friends who are interested in participating in the ‘walk for breast cancer’, I think the best thing about it is going to be all of us walking and talking..........and just being together. Some of us will know each other, we will meet new people and there for the same reason .........support.                   Looking forward to this http://qld.cancercouncilfundraising.org.au/personalPage.aspx?registrationID=569612

Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 91

Easter Monday................

Peaceful, relaxing is the way the day started off so quiet and continued that way all day. No traffic noise, no people chatting, a spacious beach, occasional walkers along the river and people fishing

Actually I feel I have had a weekend of work, grateful ……definitely