Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 151

Buy Australian buy local.....

Decent Garlic has been little bit difficult to get lately, small bulbs and cloves and lacking flavour (all imported). So made sure I got to my local produce store today (pays not to be lazy). Was very grateful to see thay had local grown garlic, full of flavour, decent six cloves and bulbs may have paid little bit more but so worth it

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 150

Well over due for that new pair of shoes and what a difference it makes. Did not know how bad the old ones where ...well maybe little idea when I saw the soles starting to come off. My feet are very grateful today they feel like they are walking in 5 star accomadation.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 149

So grateful they make (supposed megadoses) Vit C in a dissolvable hate choking on the tablets, the chewable form was just bearable

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 148

May sound silly to many but I so get excited when I get a new bunch of spices, particularly when they are a gift and some I do not know. The challenge and experimentation in recipes I so enjoy. Its like I just want a whole 3 days (min) to try different ways and cook new things. Thanks Alicia and Shelby, know me very well xo

Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 147

In all my working life I have always declared my B/d as a self-public holiday.....and organised my leave to cater that. Think all but 1 year I have had it off. I have talked myself into believing that no should have to go to work on their day....but reflection says maybe something more behind that lol

So today when I got back to work I expected no one to be wiser (most where not, I thought todays techno gadgets had not got me) and they didn’t.  Just another day…………….then the Armenian Chocolate cake came out.
I was very touched and grateful to find a friend who did catch me by surprise………. and must know me well to have baked this cake for me today. And I did eat it and it was beautiful and hope 1 piece is left tomorrow so we can share it as she was in an apt when the dreaded Happy B song was sung twice (think it’s one song that sounds beautiful out of tune). Thank you Miss N and all my colleagues there, may not have words at time but appreciate you all

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 146

Always loved Van Morrison and must admit this song really sums up my long weekend, especially today. Had best few days, everything seemed to fall into place......felt so relaxed met new people and hung out with some old friends. Caught up with my sister and niece, loved that time (got some wicked gifts, some I cannot wait to cook with), had great time with mum and dad (funny buggers they are..........Yeah Dad know you got FB now so reading lol).

Grateful......I am grateful for all those in my life at present cause you have influenced me to be a better person, through their thoughts, suggestions, heated discussions, opinions or just being there. This was made very evident this week. Thank you

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 145

Grateful for the fresh produce our local oceans provide and glad I did not break my yearly ritual of gorging myself on it. Its was also a day i reflected on all the messages, emails and phone calls I got from family and friends for my Birthday. Was really touched and felt very loved

Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 144

Grateful today for the beautiful weather and perfect environment I live in to enjoy myself declared public holiday

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 143

Some days finding what you are grateful for is extremely difficult especially when you think about it too much. Such a busy day (more than ususl), all had to be done so I could take my self proclaimed public holiday tomorrow.  

So when it looked bleak I thought about La Balsa(pt. Cartwright lighthouse) hill from this morning ......up and down it i went cold air stinging my throat... all pushing came from me, double the runs I was going to do and added 1, for, good measure. When things got tough today thought of the hill and the view walking back down. Photo does no justice  : /

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 142

One young girl’s journey is going to be a truly different over the next weeks compared to the sadness and exclusion she has/is experiencing.

It’s amazing how important the set up and the joining of a group can be (actually no its not’s really common sense one would think). To see the smile on her face, the bubbliness of her personality, along with her quick wit and intellect was great, but all the better as she has a physical disability that may make her sound like she is speaking a mumbled baby talk. Many adults have accused her of this. One actually made comment today.............but to see her attempt and her peers correct the adult was such a growth experience for her. (The adult felt so bad, though I could have easily made that same mistake in similar circumstances).
Parent was quite shocked at the chatter on picking her up, and questioned the truthfulness of her making friends, being included in play and being high fived by her peers when her quick wit caught me out. (NOw thats a first). So loved that moment and grateful for the opportunity I get to work with smaller groups. Now to transfer this into her school environment..........

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 141

Grateful my care has more 28km's left once the petrol light is on. How did I miss it???

Was slightly nervous though on last 12 km's to the petrol station. No Racq needed, no call to friends or walking to petrol stations. Not going to be a thing that happens regularly (not good on the nerves lol)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 140

The fallout from the corporate games day is what I am grateful for ...enthusiasm, comradeship, stories and critiquing all added to today’s conversations and relationships at work. We were very pumped and our colleagues supported and celebrated with us.

As one person said today 'nothing like abit of competition to bring people together' while that is true I think the bonding through training, let’s have fun attitude and knowing we had to work together to get anywhere, good attitude got us there. Now there is more talk at work about a Dragon Boat day whole team on a boat .......that would , I mean will be great

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 139

What was there not to be grateful for today, a great road trip to Brissy (skip the getting up at 4.50am). Sun, cool breeze, many laughs, always smiling, bit of Polynesian dancing, jokes, sharing food and................................

A Silver medal at the Corporate games 23 teams and overall 2nd, not bad for a bunch of may have seemed misfits’ lol. We were the loudest, friendliest and official best dressers; we paddled as a crew and danced as a crew. Nothing could of made it Ang (fashion designer), Valmai, Mandy, Simone, Judy, Greg and Calum what a wonderful crew and friends, energy was amazing.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 138

Grateful to all the girls paddling this morning, though it was made extra special by Ang and I getting to paddle together. Normally covering for each other we dont seem to get much chance of it. (plus my sleep in day normally Sun)

Was great to be on the water together like old times in the picture, as to Ang saying she's just there to paddle..haha no chance she is a born coach, love it : )

Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 137

Yes ......after leaving the interior car light on all night. I was very grateful as I dashed to the car to get to work on time...........that it actually started. Phewww..........

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 136

Grateful that I rediscovered my juicer (way at the back of the cupboard) new breaky routine - beetroot, celery, apple, carrot, kale, ginger, chilli

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 135

Sunshine Coast

Grateful that the feedback I got today was good on the ABC interview (live) done yesterday arvo at few hours’ notice. You know when you know what you want to say; even made some points on paper but all went out window. I heard stutter, stutter, blah, blah, cough mmm blah, feedback ...............I actually spoke english, complete sentances and made sense. So am happy with that

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 134

Grateful today for the opportunity to go to some training , 2 days of it.
The re-organisation I had to do to free 2 days in a row was ......
’manageable’, bit stressful.

Information presented may have been well known by me (bread and butter work) but the interactive, presentation style and cross organisations small group work made it very worthwhile. It allows us to challenge how we do things and Day 1 already came away with a few changes.

This is very exciting as have one day left...............  

Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 133

Going to start liking Mondays

What a great day today was might have started off slow but ended with me feeling a passion, desire and curiosity of where this journey will go...........and yes I am talking about work.

Met with someone today who had the same passion for group work as myself. Similar background and journey to how we got here created a connection, lots of differences which offer unique learning opportunities. She likes mixing things up and not afraid of abit of psycho drama. We both submerged in the group processes and dynamics as it is our jobs. Going to be a great and awakening experience. Not going to be the normal supervision process I am use to I feel.............. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 132

Grateful for every lace hanky mum gave me..........
Mother’s Day always makes me think about my mum even in her persistence that it is a commercial day and any/every day is mother’s day. I think through her verbal dismissal of enhances the importance the random acknowledgement of how important our mums are in our life.

So today I am grateful for my mum though this is only 1 day out of 364 that I am grateful for having her in my life. To those friends who think it’s weird giving my mum a lace hanky well the story behind it.
My mum ever since I can remember gave myself and my sister a white hanky when we went out, 1st date, party; seeing a band always made sure we had that hanky. It actually became quite important to me as I became older dressing up for a ball.....the hanky for the purse. I'm sure it’s the same for my sister maybe mum got 1 hanky back but really she never saw them again.

So today my sister and I buy mum a lace hanky on mother’s day not cause it’s easy (not many people sell lace hankies these days). It’s because it symbolises how important having a mother figure in our life is. Actually how important my mum is ……………………. This is the person who cares about all the stuff and really when you see your mum’s hanky in your bag you do think. Thanks Mum xxo

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day 131

*Judy's Place* Many pics taken today of bright vibrant flowers, beautiful gardens but for some reason this one really stood out. What a wonderful way to spend the day - Judy's Place. Judy is one of those rare people that come into your life and has alot to offer, just listen and your life is enriched have a conversation you both grow

Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 130

Graduation Psych. RN, waiting to hear news about mum
Today is Dads birthday and I am very grateful that he is my Dad. Through the work I do I see lots of children who do not have the support or are able to live with their parents and miss out on what I do have.  Very much of late I have realised how much I have relied on them in my life, to me the saying "you can't live without your mum and dad" is so true.....They are always there in all times hard or good

I know as an adult....matured women : / , independent, self-sufficient......I still look to my parents for support /guidance, I may get shitty at times (nothing to do with that he might be right), may roll the eyes (learnt that from to prove).
But I am guaranteed one of them is always there when you need them. xxxxmum and dad

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 129

The other half of our corporate team came to train today, great effort and much enthusiasm. Feel very grateful that I am with like-minded people doing this event. We trained hard today and had fun doing it went away feeling muscle fatigue and happy.
Will have proper pic soon...........soonish

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 128

No electricity..........yeh

That’s how I felt when I went in to work this morning. So nice not to have fluorescent lights on all the time, dim (no) lights and the computer brightness was enough. That beautiful cool refreshing breeze we were able to be enjoyed air-conditioning not working.
Was because the windows got open.................grateful that I still work in a building that has windows that open. These days are the days I do not feel like I am

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 127

How cool is this young who had participated in our groups this year remember my love (obsession) for the chilli. She dropped in to my work today some Aji Amarilla seeds for me to propagate and add to my growing chilli garden.

Grateful that I work with some amazing thoughful young people, somedays really not sure who gets more from the experience.

Monday, May 6, 2013


It must be some type of addiction, as I was a little upset when I realised I was down to the last few teaspoons of Blair’s Mega Death sauce. The one that takes 20 + mins for my mouth to cool down but I always go back for more.

 Though grateful that through my persistence of searching for the quickest way to get some I discovered Ultra Death sauce an extra 250,000 scoville's (800,000) than the Mega (550,000). It was interesting to note also that they say dilute before use OOoops did not know that. Oh well no harm done. Thinking New Jersey and the Blair’s Factory on my to do list........                                 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 125

Sometimes though overcast days filled with intermittent sun and rain is just the sort of day you need. Grateful today was that sort of Sunday

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 124

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous - Aristotle  

Grateful to come of the water this morning to the marvellous view of the lush green park that the council has completed to be full of ducks busy grazing for their breakfast. Obviously finding these new accommodations a bit more pleasant than the sewerage complex up the road            

Friday, May 3, 2013

Day 123

The last day of my working week, grateful today is friday. Very grateful

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 122

Mad House Team has had their first training session today. A combination of housing and mental health (Sunshine Coast) we have joined together to form an Outrigging team to compete at the corporate games. Grateful today for these opportunities my friends offer me (Angela Brown), and we are not competitive. all about the fun..... mmm.   Our Mad house 8 though definitely have potential, more than half boat first timers, impressive timing on  paddle

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day 121

Part of the group process today was going for a walk from Alex Head to the rock pools and beach (yeh the kids thought they side tracked me and it was all going to be fun lol) but there is always a reason for what I do.

Enjoy the walk, fresh sea breeze and sand between your toes but they still needed to find something that represented the last 3 weeks of working together. A piece of coral is what I found to symbolise our 3 weeks. Though I could not go pass the amzing colour, and erosion patterns of some of the rock pools (photo does not do it justice). Grateful for mother’s nature amazing creations she provides for us and the pleasure they bring