Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 211

Ahhh the true meaning of an RDO and one that was truly needed. Grateful that these available to rejuvenate myself when I feel the weariness setting in.

A Day of a sleep in (7.15am), coffee with the girls, leisurely walk along the coastline, bit of book reading in the fresh and pruning a few plants is all you need sometimes to get back on top

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 210

lacking energy

Yep one of those days energy seemed to be lacking, but surprised myself......... grateful for mine and others stubbornness which does not allow you to give in. Sometimes it’s that motivation that allows you to achieve more than you thought you could on the day

Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 209

You know that saying “no news is good news” well must admit stopped watching the news on any regular basis seems to be all about bad times, conflicts and bagging others, besides the birth of George which I am sure they have found something to complain about there to. Its' very obvious by media standards "good news is not news"
Though I would be one......... grateful to hear it, so my storey today is about a young couple and women approx in her 40's who outside Bunnings tried to stop and get the number plate of 2 rather well built men (very big as they described) who scratched my car as they tried to park next to me.

While they could not stop them they waited for me to return to my car to give me the news and give the info they had on them. The young couple said "it's just so not right, you know you done wrong and should own up" and then apologised for not doing more. Well to me they did more and the other lady ...besides trying to stop car, they stood by their morals and tried to help and support a complete stranger. Very grateful, its people like these 3 that inspire me and make me see the goodness in Humanity.................Good deeds, acts of kindness...looking after each other

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 208

Lots to be grateful today .............kept promise to self and went on a 3.5hr walk , had the pleasure of the wonderful company of  2 of my walking buddies from the 20km breast cancer walk. Great conversation, lots of photos, craisy crunchy nut bars and almonds/raisins to sustain us.

Our newest member joining us 'Shanti' who kept all our motivations high with her antics and love. Topped of with the Mega breakfast (at lunch) at the Thunderbird Cafe. Even the stiffness can not take away the perfectness of spending the first part of the day like that. More grateful now as I head to bed with warm milo and listen to the sounds of the rain as I fall asleep............weariness has set in

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 207

Grateful for the lone of a macro-lens so I could play around with one before deciding whether to get one myself. Was hesitant at first as it is an expensive piece to borrow, but so enjoying experimenting with it

Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 206

It’s with trepidation that I post this blog, as I know then it will be real...... and there is no pulling out. Around the time of the 20KM walk for breast cancer I thought it would be a good idea to have a goal each month. Involving fitness and some community spirit or just appreciating the amazing place we live in. So for the month of August I have (now it’s in black and white I will have to) decided to do the sunshine coast marathon (10km version). As you all know I am so not keen on running/jogging a pet hate of mine still struggle to find out what people enjoy about running????

My first training session today and for newbies we did well, I am grateful that I have a training partner to make it easier. (well sort off...she keeps bloddy jogging when I want to walk) as she pushes me. I always talk to kids about stepping outside their comfort zone and believe in being an example to what I preach. Definitly outside comfort zone here..................who the hells idea was this ???

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 205

This was the scene for a farewell to someone we value He's all grown up now and ready to move on. Valuable person to our community and a loss a lost to our service, what I am grateful for is "Paddling gave me the opportunity to connect and "see him “at a more personal level.

So glad I did the corporate regatta we created a great team with amzing ability. I know we will have many an opportunity to show this. Look forward to being on the water with you again Calum

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 204

Sorry to my Vegetarian friends but today I am grateful for..... My butcher calling me to let me know fresh goat meat was in. Detour, so as I could get access to the best cuts. By the time I got home after group today went a bit manic and ended up with Roghan Josh on my left and Spicy Indian goat curry below. Mmm mmm

If Natasha reads this ..................please note dishes got then at ALDI

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 203

Out of time, big day overall…..Under pressure, busy day, really had no time to barely breathe. Lunch was at.......dinner time. Though all in all, amazing young people I met today. Parents brilliant too..

So the Google map pic, hell yeh amazing feature I have on phone which literally told me how to get to places. I am good with a refidix but this saved me from running out of petrol.Long and Short can ask google maps on phone for directuons nearest petrol station. 50litre car it took 52. Very bdry but no issues

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 202

How precious is this little man.............must have been tired feel asleep even before master chef finished and this is what I found curled up on my feet ............aren’t animals the most precious things. They bring us some much joy and unconditional love (especially cats to my 'cats are selfish friends')
Had to laugh today got home round 6pm and after his cuddle it was food time, feed Mr Maximus but being cool weather he comes back for more (thankfully only gave him half). While persistent in bugging me for more, I held my ground .................until.  Upstairs he went to bring his pet wormy down
and drops him into his dinner bowl, had to laugh as he then comes up to me Meowing and tapping me on the leg then going to look into his dinner bowl with that sad glance back but "wormy" is hungry and there’s no food. Needless to say who ate the food...and who gave in...

Love his little quirks and rituals brings me much Joy, Love and scratches lol but grateful for all of it

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 201

Perfect Sunshine Coast day............Great for a paddle (boaties must have slept in :), perfect for a drive, Markets were thriving, clothes drying, reading in the sunshine, gardening a pleasure, chillies 4 different ways, prawns for dinner. mmm actually little bit tired now

Today just grateful for what the day brought, amazing day

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 200

Would be sorry for the empty dish picture ......if the food did not taste so good and we had not eaten it all. Beautiful day, great Tapas, great wine but none of that topped the company I had. Thanks Mrs H G. Best of times had today mmwah

Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 199

I am grateful and enjoyed finding my voice today .............great day so happy and also happy with myself

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 198

It is the day that you are the most tired that you realise how grateful you are for the people in your life. I realised today how many connections I have made and how so many of them are intertwined. But for me it’s about making healthy connections I do that much better now. I appreciate the individuals in my life and realise as much as they listen to my storey it is important to listen to theirs. While sometimes I feel I am missing things in my life……………… I See these connections and know I am Lucky

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 197

There are some amazing caring people around and I believe we have a great bunch on the Sunny Coast. When it comes to giving to charity I think we are up there with the best, even in hard times we support each other (ps thanks for everyone support our 20km breast cancer walk).

What touched my heart today was the work and love that had gone into these quilts for children 6-8yr who are go to our groups. All these quilts will go to kids struggling in hard times, some not in their own homes but they will have a quilt specially made for them. 4 years ago this same group of amazing women did some cushions for our kids some who are now 15yrs old............they still talk of the day and still have them.

I am grateful to all the girls at Buderim Craft Cottage-Machine Embroidery group who dedicate their beautiful skills to giving love and comfort to those in need

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 196

I am so grateful that my friend is safe and no harm came to her last night. I was very much upset when I received text her car was stolen but on finding out that she was at home asleep during the night when they broke in the back door made it all the more appalling.

Car, wallet, laptop, softball kit yeh alot of stuff much work to do around insurance. But she is the only one that matters

(please look out for car, description on my fb pass it on they could be anywhere in qld, lets all help catch the mothers....)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 195

Neighbours home after a month away with their kids in America. Was very grateful to have them home they are wonderful people and look after me so well. Even brought me a little gift just for being here (they remembered I like all things spanish).

Looking forward to some more of their stories and it must be true Disneyland brings they kid out in all ages, they did every ride bar 1 in two days and there mid-late 60's ......So even more want to travel now :)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 194

Long Table Lunch................

ahhhh Imagine from Maroochydore going for a 40/45 min drive into the country...dirt road.....bumpy drive way (some say my little Celica wont manage but does :), amazing gardens, peacocks, animals, converstaions, people.

Indian theme everyone contributes must be 50 + of us, kids having fun running around, older ones looking after younger ones, adults mingling from all aspects of life. Wander through the gardens amazing. Thanks Mrs J for an amazing day, your family and you are an individual, beside amazing you are amazing...inspiring Love you girl xx

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 193

Hard to believe Jake is 21, obviously there has been a mistake here as I am ? well I am four years younger than my brother so that means I'm ?...........something is wrong here I'm missing about 5-6yrs.

Great night it was the family nite, bit of tear in the eye as Michael (brother) passed on the pocket watch and half sovereign to his son (4 generations now). Enjoyed ....being with my family and what I saw as a very special personal conversation with my brother on reflections of lives.

It’s amazing how awkward and beautiful photos can generate so many memories and make us realise how much we participate in family life and how participating in family life is so important. I am very grateful That I am included in my Nephew and Nieces (2 ) lives and I am grateful to my brother and sister and their partners to include me in this as it means the most to me <3

Friday, July 12, 2013

Dat 192

Great day, started with a walk with Ollie and friend. The pleasure you get from watching dogs run on the sand or grass hills is unquantifiable.

Then to find some amazing photography which really shows how you feel about your community and land you live in :)

Check out the link

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 191

Some nights it is the simple things that we can be grateful for.....Poached eggs for dinner the best around right out of friends back yard. Best yolks I have found yet.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 190

After running the 2 day workshop I came home quite exhausted and drained. Though as I sat down at home I took time to read, reflect on the post it note at the end of the second day.  Professionally and personally I felt my glass fill to over brimming from the kind reflections the participants (other professionals) had written about me. While tired I still felt…… that feeling of being drained was replaced with gratitude 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 189

Practiced it twice but confidence was not installed in me. So today was very grateful when tethering my laptop to my phone worked (or is that phone to laptop). The clips we needed for the workshop played, accessed the websites we wanted to be able to display. And I was ready to wear the atrocious bill from doing this and oohh ..........hard to believe no dent in data usage (allowed) on mobile.

Big learning curve for me cool don’t laugh but really….so cool

Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 188

Grateful that when I get home at night and realise I'm short 5 prints or 30 copies of info I need to present in am. I have a decent printer, very impressed with the new one, colors turn out so well, double sided.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 186

This day presented with many opportunities to be grateful for, so to single something out has been difficult. So I have decided with mums bush lemon’s and local eggplants, I am grateful for the time to pickle. As pickling is the 2nd most relaxing activity I know of.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 185

Family, something I value greatly ...but feel I rarely show it, mmm in the sense I believe I can do more. Life can get busy and you sacrifice that which is most important.

I have been brought up in a very close family and had the benefit of the extended family  (uncles, aunts, cousins) and I know no matter what I can call on them in times of need or just when I need to be with......
So what am I grateful for......... my parents who come and visit singularly or together at times through the year, life is better because of them. The small things you noticed the day after they have gone are the most important. Funny once you would think ohhhhhhh how long there staying turns into oh they going home already. Go figger

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 184

Thursday............a great day, grateful for my
mums Jam drops that can break the quietness in any group. Lovely people, brillant kids and great times. Every one there wanted to be so .Thank you for your passions xo

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 183

Best Training day this year mandatory training (a once of in your employment) should be more. I so enjoyed the discussions and actually the whole format.
I am especially grateful for the personal stories of the facilitators and another participant shared with us today, rich in history intertwined with sadness and hope. I have come away a better person for the balanced knowledge they gave me

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 182

Hard to believe it’s halfway through my year of being grateful 182 blogs down. At times I have struggled to find the positives in the difficulty or my hibernation days but they are definitely there. It’s interesting how some days it just flows so easily one can only relate this to how I am feeling inside ....state of mind (but we all new that). We are so much more open to the smaller things that awe us or make us happy when we are in a good space; my challenge has been to be open to these things no matter what side of the bed I get out on. Challenging days normally bring the best outcomes as it encourages me to review my day through different eyes.
I think we get into a blinka mode and miss many opportunities in our daily lives that can give us pleasure, simple things like the smell of that fresh cut grass on a rainy day or when walking the sound and feel of the sun rising over the ocean at dawn. (miss it if ear phones in)

So today I am grateful that I have gone on this journey and excited for what this next 183 days shall bring, thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings and liking grateful for that support find it encouraging.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 181

Yep some days you need them and I am so glad I have a pair in my desk. You have no idea how grateful I was for these today.